Hong Kong Seeks Global Input on Web3 and Virtual Assets

Hong Kong Legislative Council Seeks Global Opinions

The Hong Kong Legislative Council is reaching out to the global community for input on shaping the future of Web3 and virtual assets. This initiative aims to gather insights on technical, legal, and regulatory frameworks to guide policy development.

Invitation for Global Feedback

Johnny NG Kit-Chong, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, announced the call for global opinions on the X social platform. The council has formed a subcommittee dedicated to promoting Web3 and virtual asset development, seeking to make Hong Kong a leading hub for innovation in this field.

Focus Areas for Input

The council is soliciting feedback on several key areas:

  • Balancing Technical and Legal Frameworks: Developing a cohesive environment that supports both the technical and legal aspects of Web3, ensuring robust and clear regulations.
  • International Cooperation: Enhancing global cooperation to solidify Hong Kong’s position as a globally connected Web3 hub.
  • AI and Web3 Convergence: Exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and Web3 technology to improve AI regulation.

Shaping Policy and Regulatory Landscape

The feedback collected will be meticulously studied, summarized, and submitted to the government through the Legislative Council. This effort aims to craft a policy and regulatory landscape that positions Hong Kong as a global leader in Web3 innovation.


Hong Kong’s proactive approach to seeking global opinions reflects its commitment to developing a forward-thinking and inclusive Web3 ecosystem. By integrating diverse perspectives, Hong Kong aims to create a robust framework that fosters innovation and international collaboration in the rapidly evolving Web3 and virtual assets space.

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